The Odyssey in Modern Times page links metaphysics contained in ancient cultures with our modern Industry and modern History in Modern Times. For example some people say that a person is never alone with a book of poetry. The truth is that Humankind is never alone with the Iliad and Odyssey. As major events enfold in Modern Times it becomes crystal clear that these major events are connected to the epic poems of the Iliad and Odyssey.
The Iliad carries these events seen by the West (the US and European Union), while the Odyssey carries these same events seen by Russia. Therefore, the Iliad is an epic poem that is experienced by the West while the Odyssey is an epic poem that is experienced by Russia.
There are many similarities between our Modern History and these epic poems. These similarities are huge. In fact, the Odyssey carries the History of Russia through the October Revolution, WW2, and especially through all the episodes of the Cold War. It also carries the fall of the Berlin Wall, the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and all the history of Russia that occurred after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
For example, the last page of Book 24 that is contained in the Odyssey is connected to the latest events that occurred in Ukraine. Quote: “Meantime Ulysses and his son fell the front line of the foe and smote them with their swords and spears (spears with long shadows = missiles, and spears with double casings = cluster munitions); indeed, they would have killed every one of them, and prevented them from ever getting home again, only Athena raised her voice aloud, and made everyone pause. "Men of Ithaca," she cried, cease this dreadful war, and settle the matter at once without further bloodshed."
“On this pale fear seized every one; they were so frightened that their arms dropped from their hands and fell upon the ground at the sound of the goddess's voice, and they fled back to the city for their lives. But Ulysses gave a great cry, and gathering himself together swooped down like a soaring eagle. Then the son of Cronos sent a thunderbolt of fire that fell just in front of Athena, so she said to Ulysses, -"Ulysses, noble son of Laertes, stop this warful strife, or Jove (Jupiter) (Zeus) will be angry with you”.
“Thus spoke Athena, and Ulysses obeyed her gladly, and Athena who assumed the form and voice of Mentor, presently made a covenant of peace between the two contending parties.” The last page of Book 24 that can only be understood while History unfolds.
The Odyssey is much more than we think. In fact, it is the ultimate in epic poetry that carries the modern history of Russia in Modern Times. The pictures carried by the Odyssey are very different from the pictures that we have about the Odyssey. In fact, the ancient Greek language is a very modern Russian one that will be spoken all over Russia in a few decades fron now.
Homer was the name of an artificial intelligence software that put all the history of humankind in cyberpackets. These zip files need to be decompressed to be understood.
What came first? The chicken or the egg? Ancient Greek or Cyrillic? It looks like Cyrillic came first as a common language in Russia in our cycle but in the previous cycle Ancient Greek was chosen as the official language of Russia and the former republics of the Soviet Union. In our cycle, Ancient Greek is covered up by Modern Greek because Cyrillic came after while in fact it came before and Ancient Greek after as far as previous cycles are concerned.
We are at the end of this day (era) and at the start of a new one. The so-called End of the World and the so-called End of Times are two different things. The End of the World is connected to the big hammer (comet, or meteor) that will hit our planet in a far future. Future generations will be ready for it. The End of Times is connected to the end of the so-called AD (Anno Domini) years contained in the Obelisk. Then, the Sun that is located at the top of an Egyptian obelisk is allowed to shine. Ascension Day is Obelisk Day because it shows how we have been moving for the past 2,000 years while the Assumption (from adsumere) is a very special D Day that sees the end of the virgin status of this so-called virgin planet due to the landing of the previous Space Forces. The Assumption was already planned more than 2,000 years ago.
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